Saturday, August 18, 2007

In Memoriam

I am sorry to have to write that last week, a VP alum was tragically involved in a fatal car accident.

Katie McManus, or KatieMac, as we knew her, was a vibrant personality and member of the group from 2003-2004. She was easy-going, dedicated, cheerful, sang beautifully, and was a sweet soul who we were all privileged to have known.

From the moment she walked into her audition in the Gowen Room, Katie caught our attention. She was wearing a Strong Bad tee shirt and a funky skirt, and in true VP form we were psyched about her interest in homestarrunner and cool personal style. Many of us marked down her attire and her big smile in our notes as a way to remember her. That proved easy, however, as she warmed up with a sweet sounding, pure, high voice and then sang a beautiful rendition of "Angel," by Sarah McLachlan. As with many things she did, her solo had a unique spin on it, and really sounded original and not just a copy of the recording. Her congenial attitude impressed us throughout, and her ability to quickly learn the stuff we put in front of her made it a relatively easy discussion.

Katie joined us enthusiastically that fall with Martha, and the two of them added a fun, positive edge to the group. She was the third dramatically inclined VP-er in the group at the time, and rehearsals were full of funny moments that are still referenced in favorite memories of past members. Katie's first solo was recorded on our cd released in the Spring of '04; she sang the high trio, blending with Catey and Martha on the Sarah McLachlan song "Elsewhere."

At the end of that year, Katie decided to leave the group in order to pursue other things at the UofR. It was always fun to see her in Todd Theater and Drama House productions. We ran into her on campus lots of times, obviously, and she continued to be fully supportive of the group and its pursuits.

The last time we sang with her was at the Senior Show in 2007, when she came to support former VP class-members Martha, Thibo, and Alexa. She sat in the front row with the other alums, and joined us in singing Boogie at the close of the show. I don't think the audience noticed, but we somehow managed to skip an entire verse, prompting an especially boisterous and laughter-filled performance of an already fun song :)

Katie will be missed by all who knew her; we feel so lucky to have been able to spend as much time with her as we did. She was a valued presence in the group that year, and it was always lovely to see her smiling face around campus.

"say, do you know a place where i can find peace of mind
for a time, a kind of a tenderness place?

a place that's just naturally made for me,
just big enough for my love...

i gotta find me a soft nest i can let my heart rest in"

Friday, August 10, 2007

Hello and Welcome!

'Elloooooo! (I love you! I love you madly!)

Welcome to the VP blog!

We'll post here with updates on the current group and past members. This is a casual, fun way to keep yourself up-to-date with our general goings-on! :)

Right now, the current group is on summer break, scattered all across this country and various others... We'll be heading back to the UofR in late August for the end of freshman orientation and to get settled ourselves before embarking on our 38th year as a group. Our arrangers are finishing up their work and we expect to come at this year with a great set full of old favorites and new surprises... We're already looking forward to it!
